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Do Not Read

(Because, I knew you would like to read it all the more!)

Right, so how does one introduce this blog?

Lets start with the writer?
He is an imaginary character (most likely a dwarf and as grumpy as any) stuck in a wrong world. He would rather flourish swords and wands, however is bound to flourishing pens and ink stained papers. But since that cannot be remedied, he will keep throwing vicious lampoons and caricatures, biting satires, and mind numbing articles full of jargon fit to liquidify your cerebellum. So, quite a charming personality altogether.

If that didn't enlighten you to what you might encounter on Telling Tales, here's a clue: Anything connected with folktales, fantasy literature, epics, oral narratives and images. Anything which ruminates on the power of words and images, and how they can shape entire worlds and world-views. Movies, music, animation films and all other sorts of rif-raf. Random shout-outs, anecdotes, observations, reviews, excerpts. Also links to interesting 'picsntexts' and where to find them.

BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY ANYTHING IN, ON, ABOUT, BEHIND-THE-SCENE, OF, FOR, RELATED TO...... COMICS! (Yes, take that emphasis seriously, very very seriously. Or don't. Your funeral.)

So welcome. Enter at your own risk.

Here's to Telling Tales!

PS: I Solemnly Swear I Am Up To k(NO)w Good!


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